Showcase of all content features of my Notion to HTML API. A complementary article to the Notion to Webflow blog tutorial. See the video tutorial here.


📝 Two notes on functionality

🖼️ Image storage

By default, each image that was imported to Notion will expire after one hour after fetched. This is solved by automatically uploading each image on Cloudinary.

🔗 Heading links

You can get a link to block through Notion inline menu > Copy link to block. You can insert the heading id as a link and use it to reference other section + jump to them. See the table of contents at the top of the article for an example of in-document anchors.

Hover over a heading and see an anchor to the left of it. You can use this to share an exact blog section with someone.

🙅‍♂️ Current limitations

Nested blocks are fetched only on list, toggle and callout blocks (and only one level deep)

🤩 Content showcase

Blocks you can use

Supported: paragraph, heading_1, heading_2, heading_3, bulleted_list_item, numbered_list_item, to_do, toggle, child_page (link), image, divider, quote, code, file, callout, video

Unsupported: bookmark, pdf, table_of_contents, breadcrumb, embed, link_preview, synced_block, table, table_row, child_database

Links, row+inline colors, annotations, code style

Numbered lists

  1. One
  2. Two
    1. Nested numbered
    2. Nested numebered 2
  3. Four 😆
    • Nested bullet list
    1. Nested numbered list


Not sure what you would use these for in a blog article, but whatever!

Fancy code formatting + copy button by finsweet

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This is a paragraph</p>Copy


A simple callout. Nice!
Callout with nested blocks
Newline, check!

New row, check

Next callout headline, check.
Code styles, check


Full-width images:

Images with captions! Yay!
Images with captions! Yay!

Smaller + centered images:


Toggles, dividers

No JS used!


Some text

  • List, idk
Open me ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Toggles look better with dividers

That’s just a fact
