How these work? automation looks for updates on these items, if it sees any updates, it adds dynamic covers/icons.

✅ Dynamic cover with todo

  1. Define dynamic page icons by using checked and unchecked text fields. Add an emoji to each.
  2. Define dynamic page covers by using cover-checked and cover-unchecked fields. Add an URL to each field.
  3. Set up the Make automation

Get the blueprint HERE
See the Notion page (you can use it as a template)

Here is what the automation does:

  1. Watches updates of database items
  2. If an item has status (checkbox field) set to true
    • thumbnail icon emoji will be changed to the emoji in the checked field
    • cover image will be changed to whatever image url that is in the cover-checked field
  3. If an item has status (checkbox field) set to false
    1. thumbnail icon emoji will be changed to the emoji in the unchecked field
    2. cover image will be changed to whatever image url that is in the cover-unchecked field
  4. Updates the Last updated timestamp with the current timestamp (in ms)

🕑 Dynamic cover with progress bar

  1. Make a Completed % rollup property that counts the percent of finished tasks
  2. Set up the Make automation
Get the blueprint HERE
See the Notion page (you can use it as a template)

Here’s what the automation does:

  1. Watches updates of database items
  2. Selects the Completed %
  3. Generates the cover via

    URL breakdown: # Selects cloud
    l_colors:3448C5,c_crop,h_1,g_west,w_{{13.progress}}/ # Background bar
    l_text:Helvetica_312_bold_stroke:{{(13.progress * 100)}}%25, # Text overlay
    bo_10px_solid_black/ # Added text outline
    colors/ffffff.png # White background

  4. Updates the Last updated timestamp with the current timestamp (in ms)